Research & Analysis

Low Cost, Rapid, Data-Driven Business Intelligence

Act With A More Informed Perspective, At A Fraction Of The Cost

We present the key insights and findings in the context of client questions, enabling decision-makers to act with a more informed perspective at a fraction of the cost of other consultants.

Our analysis process is optimized to produce intensive, data-driven results in a fraction of the turn-around time and cost of traditional consultants. Using the 4DV Suite, we can complete in-depth analysis on any topic via the web and social media or within a customer’s enterprise. We are able to respond rapidly to analysis requests, averaging turnaround times to broad customer market questions of several weeks, and returning information for more focused research often within a matter of days.

Deep Research

In-depth collection of data from web and social media data sources

Time Sensitive

Rapid analysis empowered by the 4DV research tool, which consistently demonstrates a 4-10x efficiency increase over conventional research techniques

Rapid Analysis

Heavy research lifting completed by Junior Analysts; Senior Analysts guide and review

Back-Up Findings

Key observations and insights are delivered with supporting information attached

Our Analysis

A Unique Approach, Specializing In A Wide Range Of Areas

4DV Analytics’ unique approach enables our analysts to provide data-supported analysis over a wide range of technologies, markets and business areas. We specialize in:

4DV Analytics Consulting

Capabilities include: Company profiling, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Competitive intelligence, Market research and sales support, Strategic intelligence, Leadership posture

Science & Technology

Assessments of: An individual technology or product, A country or region’s technology capabilities, Medical research and disease impact and review

Monitoring & Assessments

Capabilities include: Political, economic, military, and technological capabilities assessments, Monitoring international events, Event research and analysis, Strategy and policy analysis, Security–Posture/Threat analysis, Target Analysis and development.

Topics Analyzed Include

Social Media Analytics

Disease Impact, Roots, And Footprints

Novel Information Assurance Capabilities

Cyber Security Systems and Cloud Security

DNA & Multi-Modal Biometrics

Space & Ground Systems

Networking Logistics

Brain Chemistry Aspects

Weaponry Systems

Real Estate

Solar Cells & Power

Oil & Gas

Our Team

A Veteran, Multi-Disciplinary Team

Junior Analysts trained in strategic intelligence, business, marketing, history, psychology, statistics, economics, and cultural studies.

Senior Analysts in Executive and Senior Management positions, each with over 30 years of field experience in business, intelligence, and engineering projects

Ready To Put 4DV Analytics Research & Analysis Solutions To Work For Your Organization?